REVIEWS | Anaclase

“Soirée fort attendue que celle à laquelle nous assistons, puisque Die Frau ohne Schatten, le septième opéra de Richard Strauss, créé à Vienne le 10 octobre 1919 et particulièrement rare sur le territoire français, fait son entrée à l’Opéra national de Lyon. Une excitation certaine sourd jusque des murs eux-mêmes, en cette première confiée aux bons soins du directeur musical de l’institution, Daniele Rustioni qui, décidément, fait merveille dans tous les répertoires.”

“…A certain excitement comes from the walls themselves, in this premiere entrusted to the good care of the institution's musical director, Daniele Rustioni, who, decidedly, works wonders in all repertoires. It is, in fact, first and foremost its interpretation that makes the event. Inviting each section to give its best, the Italian conductor, after having rudely begun the performance with the extremely raw percussive chords of the score, here resolutely dry, without appeal, pampers each line, magnifying the slightest chamber moment with exquisite chiselling. This in no way prevents the response to the more massive demands of other passages, removing, so to speak, the opulence of the orchestration beyond the effects of contrasts: the matter cannot be summed up in a few robust brushstrokes, as Rustioni has well understood, he who leads his world in a long-term reading whose inspiration never falters.”
Anaclase, Bertrand Bolognesi